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The new colorful gardens of Paradise on earth

The artistic activity of Gisela Zimmermann was influenced, in the course of the years, by different Masters, who now find their works in the art history books ; among these I remember Franz Marc, that attaches to the color, a key role, in his painting. As Marc says "Blue is the male principle and spiritual. Yellow is the feminine principle, friendly, cheerful and sensual. The red, brutal and heavy, must be fought and overtaken by two others". In Franz Marc, thus prevails, the conception of a world extremely colorful. The painting of Zimmermann, is also influenced by Georgia O'Keeffe: her creations of years "Ten" are characterized by a lyrical abstraction, created by harmonious lines, figures and colors; these works, mainly series of illustrations of charcoal and watercolours, are among the most innovative of all art of the United States period. Finally, in the painting of Gisela Zimmermann, you note a close correlation with some of the works of the viennese Friedensreich Hundertwasser, great architect of the color, which described himself "doctor of architecture".

In her works Gisela, speaks about the relationship between man and nature. A relationship many times difficult and controversial. With great energy and linguistic power, the artist, restores order to things. The art of Zimmermann is locked into those new mazes of know where you can find the true modern culture. The artist outlines the foundations of the new abstraction contemporary geometric. In her paintings predominates the color; a color that is declined in all its infinite shades. The world of the artist is made by extraordinary visions: fiery deserts, seas of lava, caves, chasms, waves of the ocean and sand storms. A world that becomes a chromatic rainbow. Predominant, in her painting, is the light. A light that fights the war against the army of darkness; a light that defeats the evil terrain and thus is "dressing" the works of the artist. Through the great genius of the sign, Gisela Zimmermann arrives to discover a new world. A world that has no insurmountable boundaries. A world that does not belong to the present, but to the future. Anyone who observes the artist's works, he realizes that the world narrated from her brush strokes, it’s a new world; the artist leads us to explore those who are the new colorful gardens of Paradise on earth. Gardens that are painted in blue, red, green and yellow. I want to compare the creations of the artist, with the powerful volcanic eruptions. Eruptions that are characterized by the magmatic power with which the color invades, as I see it legitimate, the canvas; which thus turns into a real battlefield. A battle that Gisela Zimmermann decides to fight. Today, the art market offers us many things: some interesting, others instead, intended to remain in the past. Within the varied world art scene, I see the art of Zimmermann, really interesting. An art that takes on the appearance of the contemporary. An art that, referring to a great sociologist Georg Simmel, would therefore be part, of what he called "liquid modernity", contrasting it with "solid modernity" which belongs, instead, to the roots of the past. With great gestural elegance and refinement of the form, Gisela Zimmermann is able to pass the line of the present time and to arrive in the future, where finds its new home. In a world of contemporary art, now without artistic certainties, Gisela Zimmermann, is, in all right, the new rising star; an artist capable of restoring, through the quality of her painting, the right order to the disorder in the world.

Salvatore Russo
Roma, 09/03/2016